I till my soil once in the spring and once in the fall.
Spring till:
🚜-Without tilling, soil gets compact and roots can’t penetrate it as easily. Tilling brings along light, oxygen filled ,airy soil, which enables plants to have deep roots.
🚜-Deep strong roots means they won’t need as many consistent waterings, and they will be more resistant to drought because they are so tough!
🚜-I’m an aesthetic gardener, and there is nothing better than fresh tilled soil. It smells great, looks great, and also feels so great!
🚜-Without tilling, soil often becomes hydrophobic, meaning that it won’t absorb the water, which of course means that it won’t get through the the plants.
Fall till:
🚜-If plant material is left on the soil over winter, it becomes the perfect home for bugs. I want as few bugs as possible, so I clear out the large debris by hand and then till all of the small things into the soil! No more homes for bugs.
🚜-Spread nutrients-without tilling, manure (from our chickens!) and plant material stays on the top, only benefiting the top soil. But if tilled, the entire garden bed becomes rich with nutrients and ready to aid plants in reaching their potential.
I love the earth and want my plants to be set up for success! Tilling has always been a big part of that for me. Plants need nourishing soil that will be the perfect home for their growth.
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