Plant Protection Against Frost

Mini greenhouses to protect plants from frost and wind.


Grow It Now – Bigger, Better Plants

The GrowitNow! Mini Greenhouse has become a sensation because it is perfect for when that pesky, unexpected frost (or snow) shows up out of the blue.

It is a plant protector that is a notch above others, protecting plants from frost, pests, snow, wind, and more. Built to last numerous seasons, they fold flat or stack for off-season storage.  Assembly is a breeze! Just fasten the ends together, place over your plant, secure with garden staples, and enjoy a worry-free garden!

The Mini Greenhouse Plant Protectors are built to accommodate drip irrigation lines to help reduce water waste as well as prevent the weed growth that comes from over-watering.

The GrowitNow! Mini Greenhouse is the best way to get greenhouse results without the greenhouse costs. Try a set for yourself!  We know you’ll be impressed!

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